Zoom Integrations¶
The Videoconference service supports the core functionality of the Zoom platform.
✅ Integrations with CERN official services like Indico or Mattermost are supported.
✅ Zoom apps by Zoom will be made available in the account if there is a reasonable interest. Support should go via Zoom support.
❌ The Zoom App Marketplace User scope integrations and Zoom apps from third parties are not supported at this time because, these apps often pose important data privacy issues:
- Some integrations require access to the whole Zoom event to do their job e.g. via a bot that joins the event as a participant. This means this bot can view and hear everything that happens in the live meeting.
- Some integrations may need access to Zoom hosted metadata. While the user has to consent to that when the integration is activated, this consent not only gives the app access to the users' Zoom data but may give access to other users' data in many cases (for example the "View and manage all user meetings" App scope gives access to the list of participants of all the meetings the user is host of)
- These apps may host and process this data without conforming to CERN requirements and often outside a member state.
- Although Zoom state that they have validated these apps for security and privacy, this check is likely not compliant with CERN own rules.
- Per integration basis, this should be controlled by different parties like the Security team or the ODP. Considering the number of possible integrations, their validation would be very time-consuming.
Additionally, integrations may affect the stability of a Zoom event, may stop working due to upgrades, etc. No support can be warranted by the Videoconference service.
Last update:
January 27, 2025